Les Civic tech

The Privacy Battle?
- A question for an Internet user

Les Civic tech : Technologies pour la démocratie et la citoyenneté

Café Numérique, 17th May 2017 Wednesday

Sid Rao @sidnext2none | Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellow - EDRi | Doctoral Candidate Aalto University, Finland


“Have you ever figured how information-rich your stool is? There are about 100 billion bacteria per gram. Each bacterium has DNA whose length is typically one to 10 megabases—call it 1 million bytes of information. This means human stool has a data capacity of 100,000 terabytes of information stored per gram. That’s more data than in a chip in your smartphone or computer. So your stool is far more interesting than a computer”.
- Prof. Larry Smarr

Hakuna "Metadata"?

Reference : Hakuna Metadata

Browsing History: Daily activities

Browsing Patterns - Sleeping

Browsing History: Work Travel

Browsing Patterns - travel

Browsing History: Holiday

Browsing Patterns - Sleeping

Potential adwords

Generic Adwords


Reference : ALTwitter

Publicly available (meta)data

Generic Adwords

When should I target an ad?

Generic Adwords

Data collection - a mess!

Generic Adwords


Reference : Securing Your Digital Life Like a Normal Person

1. Secure Normal browsing!

2. Encrypt Everything!

  • Disk Encryption: Most of the modern operating systems these days allow you to easily encrypt computer hard disc and phone.
  • Email Encryption: Use GPG (Thunderbird + Enigmail)
  • Too difficult? No problem! Use Mailvelope
  • Cloud encryption: Spideroak for storage, and Onionshare for sharing files of any size.
  • Pro Tip: You can always find a secure, privacy-friendly, open source version for almost any of your favourite software/service/platform.

3. Mobile Apps

Generic Adwords

4. Other tips!

Firefox OS phones

Internet is a public property!

  • Which means,
  • Freedom to be different: Defend yourself against tracking
  • Freedom to have secrets: keep your information private
  • Freedom not to be manipulated: Don't fall for the filter bubble
  • Freedom not to be labelled: Fight against profiling
  • Freedom to stay anonymous: Defend yourself against online surveillance
Reference : Your privacy, security and freedom online are in danger!

Thank You!
Donate to EDRi
mail: siddharth.rao@edri.org or @sidnext2none

#Defend your digital rights and freedoms

Resources for beginers!